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Baker DX

Static Motor Analyser

  • Comprehensive range of tests in one instrument
  • Configurable to meet needs and price point
  • 4 kV to 12 kV for wide spectrum of motors and coils
  • Compatible with the Baker PPX Power Packs for testing up to 40 kV
  • High and low voltage tests to characterize circuits and insulation
  • Coil mode for rapid testing and data storage

In an industrial setting, the consequential cost of failure or unplanned downtime of critical rotating machinery can be significant. The Baker DX series can apply a wide set of off-line electrical tests to assess the condition of motors and coils.

In a motor repair shop, or for new production motors, the Baker DX gives confidence that a motor is correctly wound and insulated, before it’s deployed in the field.

The standards-compliant surge test – a signature feature of Baker testers for decades – is the only test that can safely expose turn-to-turn insulation weaknesses. The Baker DX can find early indications of insulation weakness and faults in windings, between phases, coil-to-coil and in groundwall insulation. It can identify if contamination is impacting insulation strength. It can also detect problems with connections such as feed cable insulation weakness, motor imbalances, opens or high resistance.

The DX’s benefits can be extended to low-impedance coils, such as armatures, through the use of the Baker ZTX low impedance coil accessory. The ZTX, which includes the ATF5000 commutator probe accessory, allows the DX to apply surge tests to coils which require higher currents.

Baker Surveyor DX Software

Surveyor DX software enables Baker DX operators to use a personal computer to store more test data, generate and view reports across the full spectrum of  Baker DX tests, and share and compare analysis with other maintenance personnel using data from multiple analyzers. Learn more from the Baker Surveyor DX datasheet.

 Baker DX Details


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